The Newest Book by Programming Legend Charles Petzold




 Alan Turing

English mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954) is the author of the 1936 paper "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem" that introduced the imaginary computer called the Turing Machine for understanding the nature and limitations of computing. During World War II Turing worked as a code-breaker at Bletchley Park and was instrumental in breaking the German Enigma code. In his later years, he speculated about machine intelligence.  His famous 1950 article "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" introduced the Turing Test for gauging artificial intelligence.

Charles Petzold

American writer Charles Petzold (b. 1953) is the author of the acclaimed 1999 book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, a unique exploration into the digital technologies of computers. He is also the author of hundreds of articles about computer programming, as well as several books on writing programs that run under Microsoft Windows. He lives in New York City and Roscoe, New York with his wife the writer and memoirist Deirdre Sinnott.
His web site is

To reach Charles for email interviews mail to:


Education: Stevens Institute of Technology

    Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, 1975
    Master of Science in Mathematics, 1975


  • Programming Windows (Microsoft Press, 1988)
  • Contributor to The MS-DOS Encyclopedia, edited by Ray Duncan (Microsoft Press, 1988)
  • Programming the OS/2 Presentation Manager (Microsoft Press, 1989)
  • Contributor to Extending DOS, edited by Ray Duncan (Addison Wesley, 1990)
  • Programming Windows: The Microsoft Guide to Writing Applications for Windows 3 (2nd edition, Microsoft Press, 1990)
  • Contributor to Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary (Microsoft Press, 1991)
  • Contributor to Extending DOS, edited by Ray Duncan (2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1992)
  • Programming Windows: The Microsoft Guide to Writing Applications for Windows 3.1 (3rd edition, Microsoft Press, 1992)
  • OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming (Ziff-Davis Press, 1994)
  • Programming Windows 95 (4th edition, Microsoft Press, 1996)
  • Programming Windows (5th edition, Microsoft Press, 1998)
  • Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (Microsoft Press, 1999)
  • Programming Microsoft Windows with C# (Microsoft Press, 2001)
  • Programming Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft Press, 2002)
  • Programming in the Key of C# (Microsoft Press, 2003)
  • Programming Microsoft Windows Forms (Microsoft Press, 2005)
  • Applications = Code + Markup: A Guide to the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (Microsoft Press, 2006)
  • Contributor to Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think, edited by Andy Oram & Greg Wilson (O'Reilly, 2007)
  • 3D Programming for Windows: Three-Dimensional Graphics Programming for the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (Microsoft Press, 2007)


    PC Magazine
      Contributing Editor (1985 to 2005)
      PC Tutor column (1985 to 1987)
      Environments column (1987 to 1995)
    Microsoft Systems Journal
      Contributing Editor (1987 to 2000)
    Windows Sources
      Contributing Editor and Columnist (1993)
    MSDN Magazine
      Contributing Editor (2000 to present)